Monday, September 30, 2013

Max, The Red Menace

Acrylic on canvas panel
This my final entry in the 30 in 30 Challenge - nope, not nearly 30 paintings, but at least I got one done on the last day!  This big red guy was fun to paint, except for the fact that all of his photos have his eyes half-closed!  Apparently the big guy likes to sleep.  A lot!
Acrylic on canvas panel

Friday, September 20, 2013

Daisy - finally done!

Acrylic on stretched canvas
She's cute!  But I sort of liked the orange background!  I did give my client a last call - but she didn't realize that applied to the background too.  Oh well, what's a couple more hours of my life anyway?  I took the opportunity to move her collar up slightly, it was hanging a bit to low!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Acrylic on stretched canvas

I think she's done, but I always have to look at them for a while before I'm happy!  And now I think the photo is a little out of focus.  Oh well.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Blond Ambition

Blond Ambition
Acrylic and white pen on Multimedia Artboard
This painting was an experiment using Multimedia Artboard.  It is not at all suited to my painting style.  First I tried watercolor techniques - what a disaster!  Then I went over it with acrylic - and lost my sketch lines.  Whatever. I won't be using this board again if I can help it!

Started to call this one "Self Portrait" but I don't think anyone would be fooled!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Stormy Morning

Stormy Morning, 8"x10", oil on canvas board
Started painting this in July, but the storm was coming so, I didn't get much done.  Finished it today, but it still doesn't look like I want it to.  I may go back and rework some of it until I'm happy!

Friday, September 13, 2013

My newest obsession...

Bayou Shoreline, 8"x10", oil on canvas panel
Water-soluble oils!  Tried them with the plein-air group today, and another painter was trying them also!  We painted under the graffiti bridge, and the weather was warm, but clear.  Great day for painting!  I went much looser than I usually do, and it was fun!  I may go outside later today and try them some more.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Backyard visitor

Gray Fox
Acrylic on canvas panel
My husband was so excited to show me the photo of this little guy, who was captured on our wildlife cam near Escambia Bay in Florida. The image was not very high resolution, but I was more captivated by the wary pose.  It is a gray fox, but it has tawny red accents all over its body.  I think the snout is probably a little shorter than what I painted, but I was able to get this version done pretty quickly by painting without sketching first.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Miss Maddie Lou, Rescue Kitty

Maddie Lou, 8"x10 ", acrylic on canvas panel
Miss Maddie Lou came to us last fall, and was supposed to be transferred to a rescue, for which I had pulled her from the shelter.  She wheedled her way into my heart in about 2.5 seconds and I found that I couldn't send her on, even after determining that she was, indeed, pregnant.  Two weeks later she presented us with a beautiful litter of five kittens, most of which I was able to place into great homes.  But, we still have Maddie and two of her kittens!  She was a wonderful mother, but could not wait to get back to cattin' around, so we quickly had her spayed and she comes and goes as she pleases.  She is happy to have a home that feeds her so well!

I did this painting after I got home from class last night, while the hubs watched a soccer game on TV.  Managed to get this one down in about an hour and a half!

Gray Tabby

Gray Tabby
Acrylic on canvas panel
Worked on this little guy to get that inquisitive expression just right, still don't think I captured his mischievous character!

Monday, September 9, 2013


Acrylic on stretched canvas
Her eyes still look a little odd to me, but at least I think they are in the right place!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Blue eyes

Himalayan Kitten, 6"x6", acrylic on canvas panel

I know there's a nose in there somewhere, but I just couldn't find it!  What a cute boy!  
OK - this is 8 paintings in 8 days, can I stop now?  I am exhausted!  And I have a house to clean, and shopping to do, which I just am not going to get done if I keep this up!  Seriously, these are taking all of my free time!  Well, most, I do find time to eat!

More ear hair!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

White Turkish Van

White Turkish Van
 Acrylic on canvas panel
This is re-do of a painting I did a while back for the "White on White" challenge.  That painting had a pale blue background and I always felt like it was a little washed out.  For this one, I went with a really dark blue background and I think the white cat really stands out now.  
The Turkish Van is also called the swimming cat, and although this one has two amber eyes, they sometimes have one blue and one green or amber eye.  Lovely cats!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lindsey's Cats - Taffy

Lindsey's Taffy, 6"x6", acrylic on canvas board
Another challenging painting, and I am still not sure I am happy with it.  I'll look at it again tomorrow and decide.  

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Lindsey's Cats - Maggie

Lindsey's Maggie, 6"x6", acrylic on canvas panel
This sweet girl was a challenge!  Her eyes are huge, and a little crossed, so it was difficult getting them to look right.  Still not sure Lindsey will like it, but she can still be tweaked a bit.  I think her nose may need to be a little pinker too.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lindsey' Cats - Zoe

Lindsey's Zoe, 6"x6", acrylic on canvas panel
I need to retake this photo - too rainy today for natural light!  But here it is - Day 3 of the challenge, and I am doing another of Lindsey's cats.  They are lovely cats, and I enjoy painting them, but, WOW - they take a lot of time.  I need to do something with a little less detail to finish this challenge!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Sunday, September 1, 2013